4-Ball Better Ball

4-Ball Better Ball

Why 4-Ball Better Ball in Golf is Great for Playing with Friends


Golf is often seen as a solitary sport, but playing in a team format can add a new level of excitement and camaraderie to your day on the course. One of the most popular formats for group play is 4-Ball Better Ball, and here's why it's a fantastic choice for a fun and thrilling round with friends.


What is 4-Ball Better Ball?

In 4-Ball Better Ball, each player on a team of two plays their own ball throughout the round. On each hole, the lower score of the two teammates is recorded as the team's score. This format is commonly used in both casual and competitive play, offering a mix of individual and team challenges.

Reasons to Play 4-Ball Better Ball with Friends

  1. Team Camaraderie: Playing as part of a team encourages collaboration and support. You and your partner can strategise together, celebrate good shots, and lift each other up after bad
  1. Reduced Pressure: Knowing that your teammate's score can count instead of yours on a tough hole can take some of the pressure off. This makes the game more enjoyable and less stressful, especially for less experienced golfers.
  1. Encourages Aggressive Play: Since only the best score counts, players might take more risks knowing they have a partner to back them up. This can lead to more exciting and aggressive play, making the round more
  1. Balanced Competition: 4-Ball Better Ball can balance out differences in skill levels. A stronger player can team up with a weaker player, and together they can still compete effectively against other teams.
  1. Faster Pace of Play: With two balls per team being counted, the pace of play can be quicker than some other formats. This means more action and less waiting around, keeping everyone
  1. Social Interaction: The team aspect naturally fosters more interaction and conversation. You'll spend more time discussing strategies and sharing the highs and lows of the round, enhancing the social aspect of the game.
  1. Variety and Challenge: If you usually play traditional stroke play, 4-Ball Better Ball offers a refreshing change of pace. The mix of individual and team elements adds variety and new challenges to your game.


4-Ball Better Ball is an excellent format for golfers looking to mix up their routine and enjoy a more social and exciting round. By teaming up with a friend, you'll experience the game in a new way, combining individual skill with team strategy. Whether you're playing for fun or in a more competitive setting, 4-Ball Better Ball is sure to make your day on the course more memorable.

So next time you're planning a round with friends, give 4-Ball Better Ball a try and see how it transforms your golfing experience!


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